Februari 09, 2010

Fast Facts!

Our Eyes are always the same size from the Birth.. :)

The most popular Female name is MARY... :p

Napoleon reportedly carried Chocolates on all his Military Campaigns.. hihihi

A twillionaire is a twitterer with a million or more followers.

Google handles about 1 billion search queries per day, releasing some 200 tons of CO2 per day.

Flickr hosts some 3 billion photographs, FaceBook hosts more than 10 billion. ---> olala! mine at Facebook are about hundred photos! hahahaha...




3 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Lovely blog!;))

xoxo M.

Jen Hsieh mengatakan...

ahh i love these little did-you-know facts. even napoleon can't resist the powers of chocolate! :P

Anonim mengatakan...

hahahaha... funny...^^

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